Amateur Radio Station G4IRN - M5S

A team of five UK ops will attempt to activate MM0UKI from the Flannan Islands EU-118 in August 2024. The uninhabited island group is 20 miles (32km) west of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. It is 6th ‘most wanted’ IOTA in Europe and 2nd in the UK (after Rockall).

The team consists of Rockall DXpedition veteran Nobby G0VJG, John G4IRN, Paul G4PVM, Mike GM5AUG and Jamie M0SDV.

Travel is by car from their home locations to the ferry port in Ullapool (mainland Scotland). From there by ferry to Lewis and a private charter boat will take the team to Flannan.

The trip is weather dependent – departure to the island is planned for 1st August, with the 2nd being a contingency day. Activity will be on 40m to 6m SSB and CW from three stations and will continue until the first available weather window for departure on 4th August or thereafter.

WAB square is NA74, QRA is IO68EG. QSL Manager for MM0UKI is Charles, M0OXO.

About Me

About Me

My QTH and Station

My QTH & Station

Request QSL Card

Request QSL

My DXpeditions


Information and Articles

Information and Articles

NFD Contest

National Field Day Contest

Other radio related trips

Other Radio Trips & Events

W1BB Memorabilia

My live feed of received CW callsigns to the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN):  <here>

My live feed of  received FT4 and FT8 callsigns to PSK Reporter:  <here>


July 2024

I partcipated in the VHF National Field Day contest  with the Salop Amateur Radio Society (SARS)

November 2023

I will be participating in the CQ World Wide CW Contest from The Seychelles as S79K with GD4XUM, G4PVM and G3WPH. Before and after the contest I hope to be active as S79IRN.

July 2023

I was invited to attend the World Radio Teamsport Championships  (WRTC ) in Italy. I have written about my experience here.

June 2023

I participated in the RSGB National Field Day (NFD), I have written about the event here.

December 2022

I have now received a short contest call-sign : M5S 

May 2022

Brian ZL3XDJ has put a video of our 20m QSO here:

January 2022

I have made some measurements of latency over a 4G link for remote station control. The findings can be found <here>.

November 2021

I now rent  some land about 5 miles from home and have started building a station there. Current station is an Elecraft K3, Expert 1.3K amplifier and Butternut HF2V, all controlled over the 4G network.

I will be operating  on November 27th/28th with G3NKC, G4BVY and GD4XUM in CQ World Wide CW in a Multi operator/Two transmitter entry, callsign MD4K from the Isle of Man,

June 2021

There has been some activity from the new QTH with temporary antennas. I am now actively searching to buy or rent land for a remote station.

I've added a new page - the Public Houses of Shrewsbury town. They need all the support we can give them.

November 2020

I have recently moved QTH to Shropshire and will not be on the air much over the coming months.  I will attempt to get on the air from time to time for various contests.

20th July 2019

I am now active on the 60m band using an IC-7300 with 100 Watts output into a modified Butternut HF2V.  Nice to see some activitiy on there, especially on CW where some nice conversational QSOs can be had. 

15th July 2019

I now have confirmation from two others to join a Multi/1 team for the ARRL DX Contest next February.  Myself, Ned AA7A and Lee KY7M will form the team, operating from TI7W in Costa Rica.

15th April 2019

I have now bookd a property in Madeira at the end of November 2019 to participate in the CQWW DX CW contest. I hope to have use of a  short sign during the contet.