This is a website dedicated to my Amateur Radio activities, in particular the world-wide travel I've enjoyed whilst undertaking DXpedition and contesting activities. <Here> is a great video summary of "DX'ing and DXpeditioning".
Having been captured by my father Derek's interest in Short Wave listening, we took the amateur radio license course together at North Trafford College of Further Education, South Manchester, run by John Beaumont G3NGD. Following our success at the exam, we quickly took the morse test and I was first licensed in September 1979 whilst still at school in Stretford, Manchester. My father Derek was licensed at the same time as G4IRM. (Incidentally, Stretford is home to Manchester United football club and Lancashire County Cricket Club).
I was off the air between about 1983 and 2001 whilst other interests took over my free time but have since come back and resurrected by interest in CW, which is where 99% of my operating is done. Occasionally I can be heard on SSB or data-modes if there's something rare enough at the other end or maybe a contest going on.
My main interests are DX'ing and contesting and I enjoy nothing better than being on the DX end of a pile-up. I also hold a United States extra class license: N4IRN and a UK short contest call-sign: M5S.
In 2023 I was honoured to serve as a referee at the World Radiosport Team Championships in Bologna, Italy (WRTC 2022).
I am now retired having worked as a freelance IT service architect and service management consultant and live with my wife Janet; we have lots of other interests including windsurfing, skiing and the outdoors.
Contest Call:
Club Calls:
Member of:
Radio GaGa Contest Group (G4GA) – AAA Contest Group – Echelford Amateur Radio Society – Radio Society of Great Britain – Chiltern DX Club – GM DX Group – VooDoo Contest Group – CW Ops (Member #268) – First Class Operators’ Club FOC (Member #2000) – Central Arizona DX Association - The CWJF Group (Member #1,077) - Salop Amateur Radio Society - RSGB Contest Group - Riff Raff Contest Group.
Previous Member of:
South Manchester Radio Club - Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group – RSGB IARU Contest Team – 2O12L Organising Committee
DXpeditions and Other Operations
(Tab-1 is overseas operations. Tab-2 is UK operations.)