FTdx101 Setup with DX4Win , WSJT-X, MMTTY, DxLog, MMVARI

Updated : 11 February 2022

As a result of this page I get occasional emails asking about my FTdx101 set up. However, please note that since migrating to a remote station last year, I am not currently using my FTdx101 so it's not easy for me to check configuration settings. There's nothing wrong with the '101, it's a great radio but not ideal for my remote setup.

Shortcut to page: https://bit.ly/3mOVX9J

The following settings are those I use on my FTdx101 and other software. I am using the Universal Serial Bus (USB) socket on the back of the FTdx101 - all settings on the radio remain at default unless indicated below.

FTdx101 Settings for FT8 and MMVARI using Data-U mode. For FT8, PSK and other audio modes, remember to put the WIDTH setting to 3KHz and the Roofing Filter setting to at least 3KHz .

The firmware update of March 2020 corrected an issue with using DATA-U for data modes. I now prefer to use Data-U rather than USB.

Radio Setting -> Mode PSK/DATA- -> Rear Select = USB

Radio Setting -> Mode PSK/DATA- -> RPORT GAIN = 40 (value required for the correct audio level - dependent on PC settings so will vary)

Radio Setting -> Mode PSK/DATA- -> RPTT Select = DTR (this is for the PTT from the MMVARI ExtFSK extension)

FTdx101 Settings for RTTY using MMTTY ExtFSK

Radio Settings -> Mode RTTY -> RPTT Select = DTR (Also set MMTTY ExtFSK setting to PTT Output = DTR).

** To use the radio in RTTY mode I use the RTTY-L mode setting. (MMTTY settings further down).

FTdx101 Settings for CW

CW Setting -> Mode CW -> PC Keying =DTR (allows CW keying via CAT control from Contest program)

CW Setting -> Keyer - >R KEYER TYPE = OFF (supports an external keyer)

FTdx101 Settings Personal Preference Settings

Operation Settings -> General - > ANT3 SELECT= R3-T1 (For an RX antenna)

Operation Settings -> General - > CAT RATE = 38400bps (must match any software connected to it)

Operation Settings -> General - > Quick Split Input = On

Operation Settings -> General - > Quick Split Freq = 2 KHz

The following audio settings are with a Koss SB-45 Headset:

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ1 FREQ = 300Hz

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ1 LEVEL = -10

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ1 BWTH = 10

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ2 FREQ = 900Hz

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ2 LEVEL = 0 [default]

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ2 BWTH = 10

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ = 1800Hz

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ3 LEVEL = 6

Operation Settings -> TX Audio - > P PRMTRC EQ3 BWTH = 10

Operation Settings -> TX General - > HF Max Power = 5 Watts

Display Setting - > Display -> My Call = G4IRN

Display Setting - > Scope -> Scope CTR = Filter

Scope Menu - > Speed = Fast1

Scope Menu - > Peak = Lvl3 (with the latest firmware, this value crashes the radio when PRESET is pressed and held. Use Lvl1 instead).

Scope Menu - > Marker = On

Scope Menu - > Direct Sampling SDR Color = 1; Narrow Band SDR = 14

[MODE] -> {PRESET} values (where changed from default):


RPORT GAIN = 50 (value required for the correct audio level - dependent on PC settings so will vary)

Install the Virtual Serial ports on your PC/Laptop using the Yaesu provided driver software.

Two serial ports will be installed on your PC, similar to the screenshot below. In my case the port numbers are COM8 (standard port) and COM9 (enhanced port). Logging software and other software using CAT control uses the enhanced port.

DX4WIN Settings for FTdx101

FT8 with the FTdx101 using WSJT-X

First, you need to set up the CAT connections but be aware - the CAT cannot be shared with any other program at the same time.

The screen shot below shows my Radio set up for WSJT-X:

The COM port I've used is the same 'enhanced' virtual serial port defined above. Next, you need to set up the audio, the following FTdx101 settings are required:

Audio I/O Channels

Then you need to set up the audio connections. In Window's Sound Manger I have renamed the audio connections for ease of use (you don't have to do this, it's just a nice-to-have). But either way you need to identify the two USB audio channels created by the driver. My Windows Sound Manager for 'Recording' then 'Playback' looks like this:

My USB audio channels are easily confused because I have two radios, you don't necessarily have to rename them but anyway, in WSJT you need to define which audio channels it should use to connect to the radio as follows:

I generally use MMTTY from my general logging program, DX4Win or from my contest logger, DxLog. MMTTY is set up the same for both. I use the FTdx101 in RTTY-L mode. The following screen shots are from MMTTY:

The following screen shots show the radio setup in DxLog. I do not change MMTTY setup between using DX4Win and DxLog.


Get native MMVARI working first, before trying it with DXLOg.

To set up MMVARI:

  • ExtFSK setup is the same as MMTTY above.

  • In Menu: Options | Setup MMVARI :

    • Change the SoundCard Input on the RX tab

    • On the TX tab set PTT to EXTFSK and tick the two boxes beneath it.

    • On the Misc tab set the soundcard input and output. Input channel should be Mono unless you have two instances of MMVARI, one one each receiver of the FTdx101 (sub and main).