National Field Day 2014

The annual jaunt by the Radio Ga Ga Contest group coincided with mostly very fine weather this year, though a downpour on Saturday morning was so severe that it was the first time any of the team had worn full waterproofs on an NFD weekend.

The Radio Ga Ga team comprised of Stan-G0KBL, Tony-G0OPB, Mike-G3WPH, David-G4ERW and John-G4IRN with the objective of an entry into the RSGB Restricted / Complex antenna section of NFD.

The hard-line coax and filter/switching system arrives in style.

Plenty of gear to unpack.

And more gear.

David G4ERW .

The main mast and antennas

Stan G0KBL plotting aircraft movements around the site .

The galley – note the microwave oven. The fridge and sink are just out of view.

A far view of the remote skimmer site.

Tony-G0OPB, Stan-G0KBL

Mike-G3WPH and David-G4ERW operating the two K2 radios.


David-G4ERW and Mike-G3WPH

On behalf of the Radio GaGa Contest Group, G4IRN collects the 'Gravesend Trophy' from RSGB president, John Gould/G3WKL, for second place in National Field Day (NFD) 2014.

Operators were G0KBL/Stan, G2NF (ex. G0OPB)/Tony, G3WPH/Mike, G4ERW/David, G4IRN/John.