National Field Day 2019

After many years of trying, we eventually won the 'Low Power, Unassisted, Portable' category. This year we operated from a new location on the Dorset coast and switched to the call-sign G2NF/p. Although our QSO count was lower than our main rivals, we won on the extra multipliers we worked.

The photos below show a preparatory visit a coupld of months beforehand plus during the event itself.

The photos left and above were from a preparatory visit to check the site out.

The photos below are from the Field Day weekend. We did not use the big mast that can be seen in some of the pictures, we erected two 15m masts that supported a doublet antenna - though that mast would have been a superb antenna support! The picture below (left) shows the team having a decent breakfast on the morning of the contest. (L-R) Mike G3WPH, Tony G2NF, David G4ERW, John G4IRN.