The VU4G QSL Card


Call-Sign: VU4G

Operating Dates: 24 February to 4th March 2018

Operating statistics:

Log Search & OQRS:

QTH: Sea Princess Resort, New Wandoor Beach, Port Blair, Andaman Islands.

QRA:  NK61ho

QSL: Via G4IRN (OQRS via Clublog, LoTW soon).

Station: Icom 7300 + Expert 1.3k into elevated wire mono-band Ground Planes (band changes made with wire-jumpers made from Anderson Power Pole plugs).

Andaman Licensing Info

Heathrow departure 

G4IRN-VU2CPL-VU2PTT in Bangalore 

QTH of Manoj VU2CPL in Bangalore 

Local boy climbs a coconut tree to hang a pulley to be used for the antennas at VU4G 

Hanging the Pulley 

The wire ground-plane antenna. 

VU4G Shack 

FT8 pile-up

Crocodiles were a real danger. 

Andaman Taxi 

New Wandoor Beach. 

Tsunami damage at Wandoor Beach 

New Wandoor Beach 

The police booth at New Wandoor Beach. 

Taxi drive through Port Blair town centre. 

The grounds of the Sea Princess Resort were spacious and tropical. 

Fresh coconut 

Sea Princess Resort 

Local fishermen 

New Wandoor Beach 

New Wandoor Beach